Tips on Preventing Storm Damage to Your Roof

Stormy weather comes with its fair share of damages to the roof. In the aftermath of a heavy storm, homeowners may find a section of their roof damaged due to a range of factors that were primarily ignited by the storm. It is advisable to have insurance so that you can file a roof damage insurance claim in case of heavy damage to your property. While it may be impossible to control storms, homeowners can take steps to reduce the impact of the weather element on their roofs. Carolina Home Specialists note that putting measures in place to protect one’s property from the effect of high wind is cost-effective. It also offers peace of mind. Ahead of the next stormy weather, below are some of the tips you can adopt to prevent storm damage to your roof.

Regular Roof Maintenance

Most property owners forget about their roofs as soon as it has been installed. The roof is an important part of the property and should be cared for as often as other installations and appliances in the home. Keeping your roof in the best shape possible confers a higher level of protection against storms. A great way to ensure that there is no chink in your roof’s armor is to contact your local roofing contractor for roof maintenance services.

Roof maintenance offers a wide range of advantages. Your local roofing contractor shouldn’t be called upon only when your roof is leaking or sagging. These professionals can also help to keep your unproblematic roof in that state for a long time. Usually scheduled quarterly, every six months, or annually, roof maintenance is a sure path to identifying minor roof problems that can grow into major problems when left unattended. Roof maintenance checks also offer you the peace of mind that you need knowing that your roof is in good condition to withstand the effects of the upcoming stormy weather. With roof maintenance, you also get to save more money as roof problems are caught early and repaired fast.

Loose or Crooked Roof Tiles

Storm damages to the roof are often amplified by the presence of existing roof problems. If your roof tiles are loose or crooked, the gust of wind can do more harm to them than you ever expected. With the force of impact from the wind, the loose or crooked tiles may be completely removed. This exposes your roof to be battered by the storm. Regular roof maintenance practices or regular roof inspections can help you spot this problem early before it is complicated by stormy weather.

Once a loose or crocked roof tile is noticed, it is best to reach out to a local roofer to get the job done. While your roofer is addressing this problem, you should also implore them to inspect your roof. Doing this will help to identify other problems that aren’t readily visible to the eyes. Fixing one or more roofing tiles before the stormy weather kicks in can save you a lot of money.

Upright or Loose Lead Roof

Lead roods are usually a common part of flat roofs, especially as flat roofs offer different protection and design levels. Lead roofs are usually installed in areas where the roof and wall come in contact. If you have noticed a detached area on the lead roof or the area of joining between the lead roof and the wall is visible, you may have a problem with your hands. During stormy weather, a gust of wind can easily detach the loose lead roof completely from the wall and roof, thus leaving your indoor space exposed. If the heavy storm is followed by heavy rain, you may have yourself to blame for the water damage. 

Addressing this seemingly simple problem as soon as it is noticed can save you from a lot of expensive repairs after stormy weather. Call on your flat roof expert to take a look at the problem and suggest the best line of action to address it.

Loose or Curling Flat Roof Edges

Flat roofs offer superb protection to buildings where it is installed. However, like any other roofing system, flat roofs have their downsides. Most of the problems that affect flat roofs start at the edges. If you have a flat roof installed, it is best to pay attention to the edges while looking out for loose or curled edges. The damage is usually visible, especially if it affects the corners of your roof. If you have noticed this type of roof problem, it is best to contact your local roofer for help.

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