Most Popular Java Trends to Watch in 2023

As you most probably know, Java is one of the oldest programming languages. And even though many people may think that Java is old school or out of date, Java will definitely not fade away soon. It is quite the contrary because a new updated version, JDK 16, was released on March 16, 2021.

So if it is valuable still, then what are the most popular trends to watch now? If you are a developer or an entrepreneur, you must know about these trends.

Artificial Intelligence

Because Java is connected with algorithms, typically, it is popular with app development companies with artificial intelligence. Java is appropriate for creating AI apps allowing a developer to code different types of algorithms. That is why it is expected that Java will continue to grow and be more and more needed. It offers a vast number of resources that can help connect Machine Learning with AI, leading to forming apps that will speed up business growth.

Big Data

Data collection is essential because there is more and more data generated every day, which has to be stored. That is why organizations want big data calculations. You can rely on Java since it has open-source tools like Apache Mahout, Apache Hadoop, JFreechart, Deeplearning4j. Another tool you can use is Cassandra, which is an open-source tool that will continue to function even if one server fails. These are the reasons why Java will be the preferred language for big data projects in 2023. 

Java Spring Framework

Every CTO knows about the Spring framework, which is one of the most popular in Java. It allows users anywhere from streaming platforms or e-commerce stores up to insurance or banking platforms. It would be best to look forward to this framework in 2023 because it is easy to use, and the latest version will be in demand now. It’s an excellent solution for building applications in Java because it involves microservices, complex data processing systems or safe and fast web apps, etc. With the new updates, Java has created immense popularity with this framework. 

Serverless Architecture  

Serverless architecture or serverless computing is software used for design patterns to build and run apps controlling infrastructure. It can be done merely with coding. With serverless architecture, you can make a robust serverless system and focus on the core product of the operating servers without having to worry about managing it. You also won’t need to set up machines or network configurations. This is a huge advantage to have, and that is why it is another reason this will be a universal trend without a doubt.

Integration Testing

Every time you write code, testing is a procedure that helps you reduce errors or misprints while also showing that the code can work successfully. The point is to not waste time on searching or rewriting mistakes. So to reduce the time that you will spend on creating tests manually while building an app in Java, you can use the following frameworks or tools such as: 

  • Cucumber
  • JUnit
  • Robot Framework
  • Hamcrest
  • Selenium
  • Mockito 

These frameworks and tools will save you a lot of time that is very valuable to you as a developer. 

Remote Access

Remote access solutions are top-rated today due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Employers and employees had to adjust to it whether or not they liked it. Java is an effective solution for this problem too since it has remote working apps, virtual private networks, and remote computer maintenance that will be of service for developers who have to work from home. Even the pandemic as a worldwide challenge won’t be a problem to hire a developer and work from home without any disadvantages. This is another crucial reason you should choose Java and watch the new trends in 2023. 


The new developments and the latest version of Java gives a huge argument why you should monitor and watch for recent trends in 2023, and even all the time. These improvements in Java show that the programming language will stay essential in the world of technology today. The reasons listed above prove that Java is the most logical and helpful solution you can pick to save you time and make your job easier. 

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