7 Ways to Improve Online Shopping Experience

Now that the COVID-19 spectrum has unfurled its wings worldwide, people have started embracing the online shopping experience with time. The many offerings that an online shopping experience renders give the customers more reason to shop from their homes conveniently. It is a given that the competition goes stiff in the e-commerce industry, and it is challenging to secure the loyalty of your customers for a long time. 

These days, brands are coming up with conversational and interactive websites that give the customers almost the similar experience as they would have in a store. On that note, store owners constantly develop ways to improve the online shopping experience and showcase their customers nothing short of excellence. But, how do they do that? Here are seven such ways that second this thought.

Table of Contents

  1. Enable smooth Navigation
  2. Time to Surprise
  3. Make your site Mobile Responsive
  4. Secure your Site with an SSL certificate
  5. Put up a Reviews/Testimonials page on your site
  6. Personalize your Customer Experience
  7. Note your site’s Speed

Enable Smooth Navigation 

A customer wants to find her queries displayed at the earliest, almost within seconds of her typing the search out. Design your website in a seamless manner where the customer does not have to spend hours to find their go-to picks. This allows the users to conveniently look for their products in whatever way they wish to. 

A customer tends to spend more time on the sites that can filter where they can segregate their queries as per utility, price, size, color, etc. When a customer sees butter-smooth navigation, it becomes easier for them to browse more with accuracy.

Time to Surprise

Let’s face it – who doesn’t like the concept of surprises? Customers are no exception too. An excelling online shopping experience can always be enhanced and revamped by adding a dollop of surprise elements into it. Now, these surprises need not be a ticket to a million dollars lottery ticket. It can be something simple yet significant. For example, a 10% flat discount, a promo code, a free coupon would do too. Providing such a little perky surprise will make them feel good about your brand and push them to shop from you once more.

Make Your Site Mobile Responsive 

One of the best ways to improve the online shopping experience for your customers is by making your mobile site responsive. It could be possible that more than half of your customer base would be from the millennials category. And most of them prefer to get online shopping experiences from their mobiles themselves. 

Thus, it is more than necessary that your site has the feature of mobile-friendliness at a must. Ensure that your website is compatible with mobile phones and tablets, PC, etc. Further, your site’s ranking on the popular search engines is highly dependable by its responsiveness on mobile phones.

Secure Your Site with an SSL Certificate 

Today there are some serious concerns about the safety and security of sites on digital platforms. With the advancements of cybercriminal activities, it has become the need of the hour to protect and secure your site with the right amenities. 

To steer away from all the malicious acts that might victimize your site, buy an SSL certificate before it is too late. An SSL certificate will encrypt all of your in-transit data and protect it from being viciously attacked by third-party interventions. They are pocket-friendly too and are highly essential in safeguarding security.

Put up a Reviews/Testimonials page on your site

As a customer, you too would have a ton of queries and apprehensions before buying a particular item for the first time. That is when reviews or testimonials help us out by picking from the whole lot. Thus, if you are aiming to give your customers a great shopping experience, adding a review or testimonial site can be of great help to both your customers as well as the company, calling it to be a win-win for all. Further, it enhances the trust factor and credibility of a customer on your brand.

Personalize Your Customer Experience 

Treating every customer like a queen and personalizing their experience is all that a customer wants from you. It is seen as an emotional benefit to the customers to stick around with your business for more. Make them feel special with your offerings, and they will reciprocate with their love and loyalty. Study their shopping pattern and streamline their suggestions as and when they shop for a particular item. You may also add a ‘you may also like’ column for them to peruse from.

Note Your Site’s Speed 

As they say, time is money. And for a website, customers bet their money on a site that loads faster than the one which does not. As a general rule of thumb, strive to keep your page’s loading time three seconds or less. The millennial customers can get impatient very easily and would not take a back seat from churning away that very instant. 

Know that the biggest threat to a company’s site is not its competitors, but it is being clicked on the back button. When you are incorporating any third-party applications on your site, make sure that they do not slow down the responsiveness or speed of your page.

That’s a Wrap

The world is online today! Whatever business you may be at, until and unless you do not make your presence out there, there is still a chance you could be missing out on potential customers. The brands that are the most successful at building a quality strategy and brand name are the ones that have consistent fame across both the online as well as the brick and mortar stores. Consider these seven steps mentioned above and shine through your online business.

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  • info.weblyen@gmail.com
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