Buying Guide of Classical Guitar String

Strings impose a notable impact on your classical guitar’s playability, tone, and stability. Before purchasing the best one for your guitar, you should gather some related knowledge.

Here, in this writing, I am going to provide a buying guide of the classical guitar string. As guitar strings are one of the important parts of your guitar, you should always pay extra care to choose the right one.

Buying Guide of Classical Guitar String

While choosing a classical guitar string, you should always focus on the following three factors at first-

  • String material
  • String gauge
  • String tension

Before diving into the deep, I want to make sure one thing. This writing will cover up choosing nylon string which is different than choosing steel string. Nylon strings are designed for classical guitars whereas steel strings are designed for acoustic guitars. Nylon strings generate approximately 50% less tension than steel strings which makes the construction of guitar different.

Now let’s discuss what you should focus on when buying a classical guitar string.

Material of String

Generally, treble string’s (bottom E, B, and G) materials are different from base string’s (top E, A, and D) materials. 

Treble String Material

Most of the treble string materials are clear nylon, black nylon, carbon fibre, titanium, and composite. Some other materials such as- silk, traditional gut, etc. are also used, but those are most common.

  1. Clear Nylon

Clear nylon provides a perfect combination of brightness and warmth in tone. Moreover, they are well known for easy vibrato and sustainability. The most common type of string material is clear nylon.

  1. Titanium 

For brighter crisper sound titanium is the best. Titanium is often used To brighten up darker sounding guitar.

  1. Black Nylon

For warmer, a mellow tone with more trebles black nylon is preferable. For folk, it is one common choice.

  1. Carbon Fiber

For long-lasting string and loud sound, carbon made strings are perfect. Though they are suitable for darker sounding guitar, for the brighter sounding guitar they will create more brilliant sound.

  1. Composite

If you want a very bright sound with strong projection, then composite made string is perfect for your classical guitar. For a smoother sound shift between the treble and bass string composite is often used. 

Bass Strings

Bass strings generally have the multi-filament composite core and are draped with different materials such as-


Silver draping is made with copper where there will be a silver coating. It assists in producing a warmer tone. 


Bronze wrapped strings are made with 80% copper and 20% zinc. Bright sound with a good string can be produced with such lines.

String Gauge

Like other strings, nylon strings come with various gauges. But steel strings go up linearly whereas classical strings are non-linear.

You can choose from a lighter gauge string and heavier gauge string. Let’s see what both of these offers.

Heavier Gauge String

  • Harder to play
  • For fretting and bending, notes need more finger pressure
  • Produce more volume
  • Exert more tension 

Lighter Gauge String

  • Easy to play
  • Easy to fret and bend notes
  • Break easily
  • Produce less volume
  • Reason of fret buzzing, especially on low action guitars
  • Exert less tension on the guitar neck 

Which one you will choose ultimately depends on your playing style, guitar, sound choice, etc.

String Tension

The usual string tensions are low, medium, and high. These three tensions have distinct qualities, which one will you choose depends on your guitar, sound choice, playing style, and so on.

Let’s see their qualities. 

Low Tension

  • Among all the tensions low tension string produces the quietest volume 
  • The easiest on the guitar and good for older guitar
  • Easy to play
  • More prone to cause fret buzz

Medium Tension

  • If you start with medium tension strings, you will have the option to go higher or lower
  • Medium tension strings can make a great balance between minuses and pluses 

High Tension

  • Difficult to play, especially on a higher action guitar
  • Produces more volume
  • Emphasis into the attack of the note
  • Who often use the classical guitar for strumming for them high tensions are popular
  • If your guitar is not designed to take high tension strings and you are using them on your guitar, it may harm the neck and bridge of your guitar

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Final Words

For choosing the right classical guitar string, you can do some experiment. From my buying guide of the classical guitar string, choose one factor according to your preference and start your experiment. Then one by one check other factors as well.

I hope this writing will help you and don’t forget to read the whole writing. 

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